Friday, September 18, 2009


If you don't know what it means to "Twitter" you may be behind the times.  Social media tools like "twitter" are as popular and user friendly as yesterday's PDA's.  Other social media trends include Google Reader, Twitter , Activerain and Facebook which are the new wave in connecting with others.  These new avenues seem to bring networking circles closer together and allow more frequent communication. While we may not know whether these new methods of mass media are a blessing or a curse, it is probably a good idea to at least get familiar with them.  If you don't, you may just be missing the boat that's leaving port.

Facebook seems to be used in more of a business or professional setting.  It provides pictures of people and periodic updates as to what these people are doing.  Twitter requires communications to be in bytes of approximately 140 characters or less. Ironically one of the most valuable aspects of Twitter is developing the skill of communicating a mouth full in a few choice words.

One of the best things about these new methods of communications is that by and large they are free.  As postage becomes more expensive and takes more time, it makes sense to use the Internet as a creative chatter box.


  1. The new social media is definietly an intriguing concept. The mastery of one only lends itself to mastery of another and results in a communication medium like no one has seen before. I apparently am far behind and will have to challenge myself to learn "twitter".
